Winter’s Grip is now available


Every look at him caused Celeste to weaken a bit more.

Stephen was a rich playboy who was probably going to lead her on and dump her as soon as he got bored with her. His brother Andrew thought she was a gold-digger. His mother and sister liked her even less than Andrew did. She couldn’t afford to keep doing this. If she fell for him, fell hard the way she knew she was going to, he was going to shatter her heart into a million pieces. But when he asked her to go away with him for the weekend, somehow she couldn’t tell him no.

What was it about Stephen that made it so impossible for her to walk away?

If his family hadn’t butted in, Stephen might have been content to let things with Celeste play out at their own pace. After their interference, though, he’d had no choice but to make a bold move and invite her for a weekend away together. He’d intended to give her some time to get used to the idea of them begin together outside of the office and promised her there would be no expectations this weekend.

Stephen was pretty sure he was going to break that promise before Sunday.

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9 thoughts on “Winter’s Grip is now available

    • The goal is to release one every 2-3 weeks. I’ve already started on #4, so it’s currently on track. There will be 8 installments in the series as currently planned. If it does well, then I’ll do another 8 installments featuring Andrew.


      • I normally avoid serials but something about this one compelled me to try it. Now I’m waiting (impatiently tapping my foot!) for the rest of the installments after binge reading the three that were out. Part of me is excited about 5 more to go, the other part is whining at having to wait! Great story so far. Speaking of stories… I’d love to read Andrew’s… hope you can make that happen.


      • I’m so glad you decided to try it and liked it. I wasn’t at all sure that it was going to work out, and I’m just amazed at the response so far. πŸ™‚

        I’ll definitely be writing Andrew’s story, although at this point I still don’t have the faintest idea what I’m going to do with him. And assuming that everyone isn’t sick to death of the Winters after that, I do have plans for Sherri. I’ve known for a while where that one is going, although I haven’t worked out the details, yet.


    • I’m pushing hard to get it published by the end of the week, but I’m not sure if it’s going to make it through editing and the final revisions that quickly. So end of this week, first part of next week.


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