17 thoughts on “Winter’s Hold Update

  1. I’m trying to find this book – so far with no luck. Any suggestions? So far, I’ve checked the Google Play store and Kobo.


  2. I just finished Winter’s bite and am dying for the rest of the collection. I see there’s supposed to be 4 more books? When are those being released so I can keep an eye out??


  3. Has anyone seen word on when the rest of this series will be released? I just finished Winter’s Bite & am looking forward to reading the rest of it.


    • I’m going to do my best to get Dark Bargains, Winter’s Fall, and Relentless finished this year. I am back to working on Olivia Blake projects again, but I need to get my feet wet before I jump back into the middle of those projects. I *might* be able to get the third Winter’s Fall installment out this month, but it’s just going to depend on how hard it is to get my head back into that writing space.


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